
"Before coaching with Danny, I’d hit a wall. After two years of running my company, I felt too burnt out to get over the next hurdle; I didn’t even know what that hurdle was. I thought my challenges were primarily work-related, but that wasn’t true. I’d read all the books, I knew all the strategies, but I wasn’t thriving. I was barely enjoying the experience. Through coaching, I wanted to become the best founder I could be, and I wanted to truly enjoy the experience again. During the year we worked together, I achieved more financially and personally than I could have imagined. And I’m enjoying the work more than I ever thought was possible. When it comes to my own growth as a CEO, working with Danny is the best decision I have ever made."


“Working with Danny was one of the best decisions I made while at a crossroads along my career path. As I embarked on a journey to figure out what I wanted to do next, Danny helped me rediscover my passions and clearly define my goals and what drives me. His coaching was invaluable as I interviewed with some of the hottest tech and media companies in the Los Angeles area. Our sessions together left me feeling empowered, grounded and energized.  After just a few short months, Danny coached me into a new job that genuinely excites me beyond belief. I could not recommend Danny more!”

-Stacy Curtin, senior producer, spacex

"Danny is an amazing mentor who helped me immensely throughout my professional transition period. My time with Danny began when I was on the fence about leaving a company that I started 8 years ago. I never saw myself leaving that business and it was a huge crisis for me internally. While working with Danny I was able to sort the mess out in my head and eventually move on in an ethical and positive manner. I am extremely happy in my new career and I owe a tremendous amount of credit to Danny and his coaching." 

-Nick Ventura, Co-Founder, Venley

"The work that Danny Wildman has done with the executive team at Venu has transformed the way we conduct business. He has provided us with critical insight, and we continue to see improvements as a result of the work we have done with him. His hands on approach of coaching allowed us to make fast decisions and ultimately become more dynamic and competitive in the startup marketplace."

-Chris Triana, Founder, Venu

“As a partner at a large, international law firm, I thought I knew everything. Danny’s coaching, however, taught me to be curious about my own life—particularly, what my life would look like if I changed the things I didn’t like.  Additionally, he showed me how to cultivate an environment to make those changes possible. As a result, I am in the process of leading a fuller and more rewarding life.”

-M. Johnson, Attorney, NYC